children’s ministry
Children are an important part of our ministry here at Stanley Heights. From infants through 6th grade, there is something for all ages!
Nursery (Ages 0-2)
We have a well-staffed nursery for all services and Sunday School in which parents can be confident of their child’s safety and care in a pleasant atmosphere.
Sunday School
Sunday School is a vital ministry at Stanley Heights for it is a place where children are ministered to personally by godly, trained, prepared and concerned teachers. It’s a place where the Bible is taught, and where our children begin to learn to minister to others.
Children’s Church
For our preschool children, we have children’s church during the morning worship service with trained teachers who take a personal interest in each child and teach the children Bible truths at an age appropriate level.
Children’s Worship
For our primary and junior aged children, we promote family worship in the morning and evening services. However, to minister to the spiritual needs of children, our pastor has a children’s worship time where all the children come to the platform for an object lesson that includes an application from the Word of God that can make the Bible relevant to their lives.
patch The pirate Clubs
On Wednesday evenings during the school year, our children set sail on an adventure with Patch the Pirate Clubs. This program was designed by Captain Patch (Ron Hamilton) to help our little sailors come to Christ and grow in His love. The children learn character-building songs which correspond with stories and learning activities and a focus on daily Bible reading.
upward Basketball

Upward is a first-class faith-based sports experience that emphasizes healthy competition, sportsmanship, skills building and fun versus the “win-at-all-costs” mentality found in many children sports leagues. This ministry is a wonderful outreach to children and families that takes place on Saturdays in January and early February.
Local Good News Clubs
This is an incredible opportunity to share the Gospel with children on campus in the public schools. Good News Club meets once a week after school and includes a Bible story, a missionary story, Scripture memory, and games for the kids. Most importantly it is an opportunity to share the Gospel with children that we might not otherwise be able to reach.