TEEN dEvotional resources
These resources are made available to you to help you spend time with God.
DEvotional books available online for purchase:
- “The Wilds” Six-Week Devotional Study Books
- Glow in the Dark 60 day devotionals
- New Morning Mercies for Teens: A Daily Gospel Devotional by Paul David Tripp
- The Daily Grace Co. – 30 day devotional books
- Foundations – Teen Devotional: A 260-Day Bible Reading Plan for Busy Teens by Robbie Gallaty
Disclaimer: As with any books, we encourage you to use Christian discernment as you use these resources. To the extent that these resources are faithful to God’s Word, we recommend them. We may have disagreements with them in any number of areas.
bible reading schedules:
- A Self-Directed Bible Reading Chart – Read at your own pace and keep track on this chart.
- Bible in a Year – 5 Days a Week Reading Plan
- More Bible Reading Schedules are available at this link.
- Rand Hummel “Daily Meditations.” – Daily excerpt from Wilds 6 Week Devotional books. Available on:
resources made available by the wilds:
- Keys to Your Own “God and I” Time – includes a list of self-directed studies (also shown below)
- “What Do I Know about my God” study
- “What Do I Know about my Christ” study
- “What Does God Say About this Issue – Worksheet.pdf and Verses.pdf
- “Knowing Your God Study”
- “God is My…” Study Journal Page – Full size sheet and half sheet
- Studying the Bible a Book at a Time– Instructions by Zach Sparkman
for deeper study:
- Using the Inductive Study Method, Precept Ministries has many resources. An overview of this method is available here, and you can access free study resources here.
IDEAS For GETTING To KNoW GoD: (taken from this resource from the Wilds)
- Create a notebook on the character of God- a “Biography of God.”
- Study the names of God. How does knowing this name of God change how you to relate to Him?
- Study different aspects of God’s character. Look for passages where God reveals that specific aspect of His
nature to someone. - Choose a Gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) to read through. Look for one specific truth about Christ as you read.
- Study the “I Am” statements of Christ.
- Study out what the epistles say about the believer’s union with Christ.
- Study Psalm 119 and mark every reference to God’s Word. What is God’s Word like? What does it do? What kind of attitude does the psalmist have towards it?
- Study I Corinthians 13. How are each of these qualities of love displayed in the life of Jesus Christ?
- Read through the New Testament marking every reference to prayer. What needs to change in your life?
- Study the “one another” passages in the New Testament. Think of how Jesus fulfilled these, and how you can!
- Read through the book of Acts (one chapter a day) looking for one theme as you read.
- Read through Jeremiah, marking any reference to pride in one color and any reference to humility in another.
- Do a biographical study on different characters in the Bible.
- Focus on an area of your life where growth in Christlikeness is needed.
- Read Proverbs. Read one chapter per day. Study the different types of people found in Proverbs. Look for themes.
- Read a passage or chapter once a day for a full month (Philippians, Colossians, James, 1 Peter, 1 John, Romans 6). Look for God’s character, major themes, and timeless truths.
- Read through the Bible. Use a One Year Bible with assigned daily readings. Try a chronological reading schedule. Read through a specific book of the Bible, using a single-volume commentary to help you as you work through it.